import networkx as nx
import math
[docs]class Node:
Class for handling node object in Transportation Networks
node_id: int
identifier of a node
def __init__(self,node_id = 0):
self.node_id = node_id
[docs]class Link(object):
Class for handling link object in Transportation Networks
link_id: int
identifier of link
length: float
length of link
capacity: float
capacity of link
alpha: float
first BPR function parameter, usually 0.15
beta: float
second BPR function parameter, usually 4.0
from_node: int
id of origin node of link
to_node: int
id of destination node of link
flow: float
flow on link
free_speed: float
free flow speed of link
v: float
speed limit of link
SO: boolean
True if objective is to find system optimal solution,
False if objective is to find user equilibrium
t0: float
link travel time under free flow speed
time: float
link travel time based on the BPR function
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.link_id = None
self.length = 0.0
self.capacity = 0.0
self.alpha = 0.5
self.beta = 4.
self.from_node = 0
self.to_node = 0
self.flow = 0.0
self.free_speed = 1.0
self._time = None
self.v = 0.
for k,v in kwargs.items():
self.__dict__[k] = v
[docs] def get_time(self):
Method for getting link travel time based on the BPR function \n
This method is used when setting 'time' variable
return self.bpr()
[docs] def bpr(self, alpha = None, beta = None, flow = None):
Method for calculating the BPR function
alpha: float
first BPR function parameter, usually 0.15
beta: float
second BPR function parameter, usually 4.0
flow: float
flow on link
link travel time
if not beta:
beta = self.beta
if not flow:
flow = self.flow
if not alpha:
return (self.t0)*(1+float(alpha)*(float(flow)/float(self.capacity))**float(beta))
print(flow, self.length, self.free_speed, self.capacity, beta)
def t0(self):
return float(self.length)/float(self.free_speed)
def time(self):
if self._time:
return self._time
return self.get_time()
[docs] def get_objective_function(self):
Method for calculating objective function value
objective function value
return self.t0*self.flow + self.t0*self.alpha*math.pow(self.flow, self.beta+1)/(math.pow(self.capacity, self.beta)*(self.beta+1))
[docs]class Network():
Class for handling Transportation Networks. This class contains methods to read various TNTP format files from the source and methods of network-wide operations
link_file : string
file path of network file, which containing various link information
trip_file : string
file path of trip table. An Origin label and then Origin node number, followed by Destination node numders and OD flow
node_file : string
file path of node file, which containing coordinates information of nodes
SO: boolean
True if objective is to find system optimal solution,
False if objective is to find user equilibrium
graph : networkx.DiGrapy
graph of links with Link object and travel time under the current condition
origins : list
list of origin nodes
od_vols : dictionary
key: tuple(origin node, destination node), value: traffic flow
link_fields = {"from":1, "to":2, "capacity":3, "length": 4, "t0": 5, \
"B": 6, "beta": 7, "V": 8}
def __init__(self, link_file, trip_file, node_file=None, SO=False):
self.link_file = link_file
self.trip_file = trip_file
self.node_file = node_file
self.graph = None
[docs] def build_datastructure(self):
Method for opening .tntp format network information files and preparing variables for the analysis
links, nodes = self.open_link_file()
graph = nx.DiGraph()
for l in links:
graph.add_edge(l.from_node, l.to_node, object=l, time=l.get_time())
if self.node_file != None:
[docs] def open_link_file(self):
Method for opening network file, containing various link information
list of Link objects having current link condition
list of Node objects
f = open(self.link_file)
lines = f.readlines()
links_info = []
header_found = False
for line in lines:
if not header_found and line.startswith("~"):
header_found = True
elif header_found:
nodes = {}
links = []
for line in links_info:
data = line.split("\t")
origin_node = str(int(data[self.link_fields["from"]]))
except IndexError:
to_node = str(int(data[self.link_fields["to"]]))
capacity = float(data[self.link_fields["capacity"]])
length = float(data[self.link_fields["length"]])
alpha = float(data[self.link_fields["B"]])
beta = float(data[self.link_fields["beta"]])
if origin_node not in nodes:
n = Node(node_id = origin_node)
nodes[origin_node] = n
if to_node not in nodes:
n = Node(node_id= to_node)
nodes[to_node] = n
l = Link(link_id=len(links), length=length, capacity=capacity, alpha=alpha, beta=beta,
from_node=origin_node, to_node=to_node, flow=float(0.0), SO=self.SO)
return links, nodes.values()
[docs] def open_node_file(self, graph):
Method for opening node file, containing position information of nodes \n
This method adds 'pos' key-value pair in graph variable
f = open(self.node_file)
n = 0
for i in f:
row = i.split(" ")
if n == 0:
n += 1
if self.node_file=="berlin-center_node.tntp":
ind, x, y = str(int(row[0])), float(row[1]), float(row[3])
ind, x, y = str(int(row[0])), float(row[1]), float(row[2])
graph.node[ind]["pos"]=(x, y)
[docs] def open_trip_file(self, demand_factor=1.0):
Method for opening trip tables containing OD flows of each OD pair
demand_factor float
demand factor
f = open(self.trip_file)
lines = f.readlines()
self.od_vols = {}
current_origin = None
for line in lines:
if current_origin == None and line.startswith("Origin"):
origin = str(int(line.split("Origin")[1]))
current_origin = origin
elif current_origin != None and len(line) < 3:
# print "blank",line,
current_origin = None
elif current_origin != None:
to_process = line[0:-2]
for el in to_process.split(";"):
dest = str(int(el.split(":")[0]))
demand = float(el.split(":")[1])*demand_factor
self.od_vols[current_origin, dest] = demand
origins = [str(i) for i, j in self.od_vols] = list(dict.fromkeys(origins).keys())
[docs] def all_or_nothing_assignment(self):
Method for implementing all-or-nothing assignment based on the current graph. \n
It updates link traffic flow
for edge in self.graph.edges(data=True):
edge[2]['object'].vol = 0
shortestpath_graph = {}
for i in
shortestpath_graph[i] = nx.single_source_dijkstra(self.graph, i, weight="weight")
for (i, j) in self.od_vols:
odvol = self.od_vols[(i, j)]
path = shortestpath_graph[str(i)][1][str(j)]
for p in range(len(path) - 1):
fnode, tnode = path[p], path[p + 1]
self.graph[fnode][tnode]["object"].vol += odvol
[docs] def update_linkcost(self):
Method for updating link travel time.
for (u, v, d) in self.graph.edges(data=True):
self.graph[u][v]["weight"] = d["object"].time
[docs]class Visualization():
Class for handling visualization effect
[docs] def reLocateLinks(graph):
Method for modifying links in graph
graph: networkx DiGraph
graph to present
nodeposition = nx.get_node_attributes(graph,"pos")
for edge in graph.edges():
snode, enode = edge[0], edge[1]
px1, py1 = nodeposition[snode][0], nodeposition[snode][1]
px2, py2 = nodeposition[enode][0], nodeposition[enode][1]
fx, fy, tx, ty = Visualization.reLocateAlink(px1, py1, px2,py2, offset=5000)
graph[snode][enode]["pos_fnode"] = (fx, fy)
graph[snode][enode]["pos_tnode"] = (tx, ty)
[docs] def reLocateAlink(px1, py1, px2,py2, offset=0.5):
Method for adjusting location of a link
px1: float
x coordinate of a node
py1: float
y coordinate of a node
px2: float
x coordinate of another node
py2: float
y coordinate of another node
fx: float
new coordinate of px1
fy: float
new coordinate of py1
tx: float
new coordinate of px2
ty: float
new coordinate of py2
x1, y1 = float(px1), float(py1)
x2, y2 = float(px2), float(py2)
dist = (x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2
dist = abs(dist ** 0.5)
sin = (y2 - y1) / dist
cos = (x2 - x1) / dist
if x2 - x1 != 0:
tan = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
tan = 1
if abs(tan) >= 1:
fx, fy = x1 + offset * sin, y1 - offset * cos
tx, ty = x2 + offset * sin, y2 - offset * cos
fx, fy = x1 + offset * sin, y1 - offset * cos
tx, ty = x2 + offset * sin, y2 - offset * cos
return fx, fy, tx,ty